Coatings Repintado Automotriz BASF
Una marca de BASF - We create chemistry

Mucho tiempo antes de abrir su propio taller en 2005, Jonathan Goolsby ya era un consumado diseñador de vehículos personalizados. Hoy en día, Goolsby Customs es famoso en el mundo automotriz y continúa demostrando extraordinaria destreza y atención al detalle. El taller se especializa en montajes personalizados y trabajo artístico de carrocería. Goolsby también vende al público una extensa gama de partes de calidad.

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BASF’s product portfolio includes products for multiple industries. A product that is compliant for one region, industry, application or end use, may not be compliant for another region, industry, application or end-use, and BASF accordingly disclaims all representations, conditions and warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

To assist automotive refinish customer searching for information about BASF products that meet the VOC limits for automotive refinish use, BASF provides Wall Charts that list the products that are compliant with the automotive refinish VOC regulations in specific regions in North America (country, province, state, air districts). It is the responsibility of the purchaser/end-user to ensure they know and understand the regulations for their specific region, industry, application and end use and ensure that the products that they are using are compliant with all applicable regulatory requirements and any permits specific to their business.

To view product information on our entire portfolio, please click to acknowledge your understanding of this information.
