BASF articles eligible for AMi credits
Where: Southfield, MI
Background: Collision industry professionals can now receive AMi credits for reading articles written by BASF’s John Shoemaker, Business Development Manager.
Shoemaker has been contributing articles to ABRN since 2010, offering refinish tips, shop process suggestions, and proven techniques to improve process and profitability in collision shops. In 2019, he has teamed up with AMi, the Automotive Management Institute, to offer AMi credits for reading his informative articles and taking a short quiz.
“The True Cost of Collision Repair Supplements” is Shoemaker’s first article eligible for AMi credit. He discusses the immense added cost that supplements can cause to a single repair and how best to avoid supplements, decreasing cycle time and increasing profitability.
AMi-eligible articles from Shoemaker will be published online monthly. Previous articles can be found in ABRN archives.