22-Line Single Stage for 340 gms/liter (2.8 lbs/gal) VOC

A urethane acrylic topcoat to be applied as a single stage finish over well cured old paintwork and primers. Meets 2.8 VOC requirements when mixed with the appropriate mixing clear.
22-Line Single Stage for 420 gms/liter (3.5 lbs/gal) VOC

A urethane acrylic topcoat to be applied as a single stage finish over well cured old paintwork and primers. Meets 3.5 VOC requirements when mixed with the appropriate mixing clear.
22-Line Single Stage for Non-Regulated & 5.0 VOC

22-Line color is a urethane acrylic topcoat to be applied as a single stage finish over well cured old paintwork and primers.
522-111 Elastifier Additive

Plasticizing additive for use in approved undercoats, 22-Line Urethane Topcoat and 923- Clearcoats. Improves coating flexibility for rigid and flexible plastic parts.
522-20 Universal Rapid Additive

A drying accelerator additive for blending 923-Clearcoats. Improves through dry, shortens dust free times, and promotes polishability of the clearcoat. May be used as a drying accelerator for Glasurit 22-Line Urethane Topcoat. Used at low temperatures (60°F-65°F) or when fast curing, polishing and masking tape resistance is required. Also used with signwriting and multi-color finishes.
522-322 Flexible Gloss Reducing Additive (Matte Paste)

A gloss reducer for 22-Line Urethane Topcoat and 923-Clearcoats; helps retain flexibility. Mixed by weight with 22-Line colors and 923-clears before the addition of hardener or reducer. May be used in combination with Glasurit Texture Additive 522-345.
522-345 Texture Additive Fine

A texture-giving, plasticizing and matting additive for use in 22-Line Urethane Topcoat and 923-Clearcoats. Gives a 2K textured finish, e.g., painting of Ford bumpers. Mixed by volume with 22-Line colors and 923-clears before the addition of hardener or reducer.
522-422 Low VOC Gloss Reducing Additive (Matte Paste)

A low VOC gloss reducer for low VOC 22-Line Urethane Topcoat and low VOC 923-Clearcoats; helps retain flexibility. Mixed by weight with 22-Line colors and 923-clears before the addition of hardener or reducer. May be used in combination with Glasurit Texture Additive 522-345.
580-100 Anti-Silicone Additive

A fisheye preventer for use in 22-Line Urethane Topcoat and 923-Clearcoats. Should only be used when absolutely necessary.