Our industry experts have the knowledge, relationships and tools required to put our customers ahead of their competition and on the right path to growth. BASF Refinish has more OEM approvals than any other paint manufacturer, and the resources to support the certification of our shops. Vision+ Expert Analysis also offers one-of-a-kind networking opportunities, KPI Management and comprehensive tools to facilitate business improvement.
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Our solutions package ensures a continuous workflow through facility planning tools that improve repair processes and procedures. Customers experience benefits including increased touch times, decreased cycle times and improved shop flow. BASF Refinish offers services like Advanced Process Solutions (APS) which is proven to maximize profitability for collision repair centers while increasing customer satisfaction.
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A wealth of knowledge from industry veterans and specialists has been organized into courses, workshops and seminars for BASF Refinish customers. We offer a wide range of topics to cover business training, technical training and unique partnerships with I-CAR, SCRS, Repair University, vocational schools and more..
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Industry-leading color-match expertise plus innovative, easy-to-use software and tools deliver precision, accuracy and increased efficiency. Our business offers a full suite of color specialty tools to make color retrieval and formulation as painless as possible. Learn more about how we help you find that perfect match.
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